Sending Parcels via OTP Air Transportation System

In the modern era, global markets are expanding at breakneck speed, and goods must be supplied in the shortest possible time. As a result, air transportation has turned into a ‘must’ for some companies and businesses. In addition to on-time delivery, clients require safe delivery and wish their goods to reach the destination in perfect condition. OTP Air Transportation Department meets all these needs and assures clients and businesses.


OTP Air Transportation staff choose their fleet meticulously in order to secure the safety of the cargo. Therefore, clients may place their orders assuredly. They just need to state their desired origin and destination; OTP handles the rest.


The distinctive feature of air transportation is its speed in delivering commercial and non-commercial goods to recipients; international air transportation is also the optimal choice for precious, sensitive goods.

Contact Details
Head Office: Apt. 57, Floor 5, Setareh Baran Business Complex, Bist-o Do Bahman Blvd., Nesferah, Tabriz, Iran
Tel.: +984134393341
Fax: +984134393340